盐酸洗必泰_Despa kowa oral cream中英对照说明书

[caption id="attachment_32634" align="alignleft" width="300"] Despa kowa oral cream 10tub×5g(デスパコーワ口腔用クリーム)[/caption]   药店国别:   产地国家:日本   处 方 药:   所属类别:10管×5克   包装规格:10管×5克   计价单位:   生产厂家中文参考译名:兴和制药   生产厂家英文名:Kowa Co.Ltd.   原产地英文商品名:Despa kowa10tube×5g   原产地英文药品名:Chlorhexidine Hydrochlorid/Hydrocortisone Acetate/Diphenhydramine Salicylate/Benzalkonium Chloride Concentrated Solution   中文参考商品译名:Despa kowa10管×5克   中文参考药品译名:盐酸洗必泰/醋酸氢化可的松/苯海拉明水杨酸酯/苯扎氯铵浓缩液50   简介:   部份中文盐酸洗必泰/醋酸氢化可的松/苯海拉明水杨酸酯/苯扎氯铵浓缩液50处方资料(仅供参考)   商品名:despa kowa   英文名:Chlorhexidine Hydrochlorid/Hydrocortisone Acetate/Diphenhydramine Salicylate/Benzalkonium Chloride Concentrated Solution50   中文名:盐酸洗必泰/醋酸氢化可的松/苯海拉明水杨酸酯/苯扎氯铵浓缩液50复合剂   生产商:兴和制药   药效分类名称:口腔炎和牙周炎治疗剂   批准日期:2020年 2月   商标名:DESPA KOWA ORAL CREAM盐酸洗必泰   融点:107~109℃   苯扎氯铵浓缩液50   一般的名称:Benzalkonium Chloride Concentrated Solution 50   分子式:[C6H5CH2N(CH3)2R]Clで示され、RはC8H17~C18H37で、主としてC12H25及びC14H29からなるものの水溶液。   分子量:定量するとき、50.0超~55.0%のベンザルコニウム塩化物(C22H40ClN: 354.01として)を含む。   性状:   它是无色至浅黄色液体或果冻状液体,具有独特的气味。极易溶于水或乙醇(95),几乎不溶于乙醚。加水的液体在摇动时会强烈起泡沫。   药效药理:   作用机理:   盐酸洗必泰   它是口腔感染的预防和治疗药物。在抗菌剂中,它属于广泛的微生物作用类别,并且在低浓度下表现出快速的杀菌作用,尤其是针对革兰氏阳性球菌(如葡萄球菌)。它以相对较低的浓度作用于革兰氏阴性细菌(例如大肠杆菌),但比革兰氏阳性细菌具有更广泛的敏感性。许多真菌也易感,但比细菌更具抵抗力。   醋酸氢化可的松   据认为,它通过抑制炎性物质的生物合成和炎性细胞的迁移而表现出抗炎作用。   苯海拉明水杨酸酯   通过阻断组胺H1受体,它抑制了由H1受体介导的组胺引起的过敏反应(毛细血管扩张和高通透性,由于感觉神经末梢刺激引起的瘙痒)。   浓苯扎氯铵溶液50   通过蛋白质变性和酶裂解,对新陈代谢的作用,例如糖分解和乳酸氧化,由于膜通透性障碍而引起的裂解,磷和钾的泄漏,促进糖酵解,对支持质膜活性的酶的作用,它被认为代表杀菌作用。   苯海拉明水杨酸酯对血管通透性的抑制作用   在一项比较研究中,该药物被应用于大鼠背部的一侧,而另一种产品被去除了苯海拉明水杨酸酯,该药物显示出更强的抗炎作用。   适应症:口疮性口炎,孤立性口疮,褥疮,边缘性牙周炎   用法与用量:每天将3到4次适量的这种药物涂在发炎区域。   包装:铝管:5g×10   制造商:兴和株式会社   Despa Kowa Oral Cream(Chlorhexidine Hydrochlorid/Hydrocortisone Acetate/Diphenhydramine Salicylate/Benzalkonium Chloride Concentrated Solution50)   Product Name: Despa Kowa Oral Cream   Main ingredient: Chlorhexidine hydrochloride   Diphenhydramine salicylate   Hydrocortisone acetate   Benzalkonium chloride   Dosage form: White to pale yellowish white emulsion ointment   Sheet description: 700   About the action and effect of this drug   It is a combination drug with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antihistamine action, which improves inflammation in the oral cavity.   It is usually used to treat aphthous stomatitis, solitary aphthae, decubitus ulcer, and marginal periodontitis.   Be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist the following before using.   ・If you have ever experienced any allergic reaction (itch, rash, etc.) to any medicine. There are tuberculosis, viral, and other purulent infections in the oral cavity.   ・If you are pregnant or breastfeeding   ・Other drugs are being used (because they may strengthen or weaken each other's effects, so be careful about other drugs you are using, including over-the-counter drugs).   Usage and dose (how to use this medicine)   ・Your usage/dose is <<: Fill in the medical staff>>   ・Usually apply appropriate amount 3 to 4 times a day to the inflamed area. Be sure to follow the instructions for use.   ・Please avoid eating and drinking for a while after applying.   ・Do not use for ophthalmology.   ・If you forget to use it, apply it when you notice. However, if it is almost time for the next coat, remove the missed dose and use it as directed from the next time. Do not use two doses at once.   ・If you used too much by mistake, consult a doctor or pharmacist.   ・Do not stop using it at your discretion without the instructions of your doctor.   Notes on life   Be careful after using this medicine (side effect)   The most commonly reported adverse reactions include hypersensitivity, oral fungal and bacterial infections, dysgeusia, numbness of the tongue, black tongue, gastric discomfort, gastric bloating, vomiting and diarrhea. If you notice any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.   In rare cases, the following symptoms appear, which may be the initial symptoms of the side effects shown in []. In this case, stop using it and see a doctor immediately.   There are no applicable items.   The above side effects are not all exhaustive. If you notice any symptoms other than the above, consult your doctor or pharmacist.   Storage method Other   ・Store out of reach of infants and children, and avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity.   ・If any medicine remains, discard it without storing it.   620007677   Revised July 2009   Drugs have side effects (risks) as well as effects (benefits). It is important to suppress side effects as much as possible and maximize the effect. This requires the understanding and cooperation of the patients who use this drug.
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