谷维素片(Gamma Oryzanol)说明书
处 方 药:是
所属类别:50毫克/片 500片/盒
包装规格:50毫克/片 500片/盒
生产厂家英文名:Otsuka Pharmaceutical
原产地英文商品名:Hi-z tablets(ハイゼット錠)50MG/TAB 500TABS/box
原产地英文药品名:Gamma Oryzanol
中文参考商品译名:Hi-z(ハイゼット錠)50毫克/片 500片/盒

部份中文谷维素处方资料(仅供参考) 英文名:Gamma Oryzanol 商品名:Hi-z tablets 中文名:谷维素片 生产商:大冢制药 ハイゼット錠25mg/ハイゼット錠50mg 药物类别名称 高脂血症治疗剂 心身(更年期,肠易激综合征)治疗剂 批准日期:2006年6月 商標名 Hi-z tablets 25mg Hi-z tablets 50mg 一般名 ガンマオリザノール〔Gamma Oryzanol(JAN)〕 分子式 C40H58O4 分子量 602.9 性状 在白色到淡黄色的水晶或水晶粉末中,没有气味和味道。 丙酮,易溶于氯仿或苯,几乎不溶于甲醇或乙醇(95),几乎不溶于水。 药用药理学 1. 脂质代谢 (1) 血清脂降低作用 高胆固醇饮食的老鼠,老鼠,显著降低了兔子的血清总胆固醇。降低胆固醇效果是基于VLDL-胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的降低。此外,在兔子中也观察到磷脂的显著减少。 (2) 血清脂过氧化物降低效果 高脂血症患者血清脂过氧化物通过服用300mg/天显著减少。 (3) 对肝脂的影响 高胆固醇饮食摄入大鼠,兔肝胆固醇,尤其表现出降低酯胆固醇的效果。大鼠的中性脂肪也明显减少。 (4) 对动脉壁的影响 显著增强高胆固醇饮食大鼠动脉壁中性胆固醇酯酶活性,显著抑制丙基-CoA胆固醇丙酸酶活性, 建议它起到防止动脉壁中酯胆固醇积累的作用。此外,高胆固醇饮食摄入兔主动脉中形成的粥样治愈病变随着血清脂质的减少而减少。 (5)血小板聚集抑制作用 通过混合施用癌二醇到高胆固醇饮食摄入兔,ADP对血小板的最大聚集率被显著抑制。 (6) 作用机制 血清总胆固醇降低的作用机制,胆固醇的胃肠道吸收抑制作用是主要作用,还考虑了代谢排泄促进抑制作用和胆固醇合成胆固醇作用的介入。 2. 内分泌和自主神经系统 (1) 小鼠切除卵巢的示性效应。 (2)大鼠至大鼠脑诺拉肾上腺素代谢旋转的抑制趋势,表现出肾上腺素含量增加的效果。 (3)对大鼠压力引起的胃溃疡和胃肠道运动的增强具有抑制作用。 (4)用胰岛素和2-脱氧-D-葡萄糖刺激迷走神经,对大鼠胃液分泌增强有抑制作用。 适应症 高脂血症 心身障碍(更年期、肠易激综合征)和焦虑、紧张和抑郁的身体症状。 用法与用量 作为高脂血症中的癌症毛利扎诺,通常在饭后口服,分为成人每天三倍300毫克。 作为癌症毛利沙诺的身体症状以及焦虑,紧张和抑郁症在心身疾病,通常口服10~50毫克每个成人。 应该注意的是,年龄,适当增加或减少,根据症状。 然而,当用于肠易激综合征,每天高达50毫克。 临床表现 1. 高脂血症 在日本进行的多设施双盲比较研究中,血清总胆固醇因癌症毛利扎诺300mg/天分的降低超过10%的病例为37.2%(346/929例), 甘油三酯下降20%以上的病例为35.9%(331/923例)。 血清HDL-胆固醇在以前的值 45mg/dL低于示例显著增加。此外,血清脂过氧化物也减少。在整个给治阶段长期给治(1年至2年,118例),显示血清总降胆固醇效果稳定。 2. 对其他影响的影响 临床试验结果包括多设施双盲比较研究共315例,更年期,易怒结肠综合征有效率68.6%(83/121例),分别为68.4%(108/158例)。 包装 片剂 25毫克: [PTP] 500片(10 片 × 50) 50毫克: [PTP] 500片(10 片 × 50) 制造和销售 大塚制药有限公司 注:以上中文处方资料不够完整,使用者以原处方资料为准。英文版说明书
Product Name: Hijet Tablets 50mg Active ingredient: gamma oryzanol (Gamma oryzanol) Dosage form: white tablet, diameter 8.2mm, thickness 4.8mm Sheet described: (Table) OG01,50mg, Hijet tablets, Otsuka, Hijet Tablets 50mg (back) Hijet tablets 50mg, Hi-z tab 50mg Effects of this medicine Relates to lipid metabolism, mainly gastrointestinal absorption inhibitory effect of serum cholesterol, further cholesterol synthesis inhibition, lower the cholesterol by catabolic excretion promoting effect. In addition, we will adjust the endocrine, autonomic nervous system. Normally, the treatment of hyperlipidemia, it will be used to improve a variety of symptoms due to menopause, irritable bowel syndrome Please tell your doctor and pharmacist before certainly responsible for the following people to use. • Before using this medicine, itch, there is the fact that out allergy symptoms such as rash. There is liver failure. • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. • other you are using, such as medicine (you can strengthen the effect on each other, so there is also likely to weaken, please note, including OTC drugs and food products in use in the other). Dosage regimen (proper use of this medicine) • Your dosage regimen is (your doctor) • High hyperlipidemia, for adults, take 2 tablets once (100mg of the active ingredient) after meals three times a day. Psychosomatic disorders (menopause, irritable bowel syndrome) in the body symptoms and anxiety, tension, depression, for adults, taking 10~50mg as a main component one day. This drug will contain the main ingredient 50mg in one tablet. In either case, it will be adjusted according to your disease, age and symptoms but, (50mg of the active ingredient) up to 1 tablet per day to irritable bowel syndrome is the upper limit. Taking, which is always instructed Please follow the way. • If you forget to drink, please the missed dose at the time of notice. However, if time following the drink is close, do not drink the missed, please the missed dose the next of drinking time. Absolutely Do not take two doses at once. • Please consult your doctor or pharmacist if you took too much of this medicine by mistake. • without the doctor's instructions, please do not stop taking the medicine in their own judgment. Notes on life • Please follow the guidance on the life of the doctor. • taking in might be the examination of regular blood. In that case, please inspected to the specified date and time. That where I am with the after care that you use this medicine (side effects) The main side effects, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, itching, skin abnormalities feeling, such as has been reported flushing. If you notice these symptoms, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. In rare cases symptoms appear, such as the following, may be the initial symptom of side effects indicated in brackets []. In such cases, discontinue use, please immediately seek medical care. There are no items mentioned applicable. Other side effects do not describe all. If you notice any symptoms of concern other than the above came out, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. Storage and other information • infants, where it is not out of reach of children, direct sunlight, high temperature, please keep away from moisture. • If the agent is remaining, please discard it Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. oral agent June 2015 revision The medicine can have side effects as well as the effect (benefit) (risk). It is possible to suppress the side effects as much as possible, it is important to bring out the effect of the maximum. To do so, we must have the cooperation and understanding of patients who are using this medicine.用药温馨提示:当您服用此药物时,需定期接受医疗专业人士的检查,以便随时针对其药效、副作用等情况进行监测。本网站所包含的信息旨在为患者提供帮助,不能代替医学建议和治疗。
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