氨苄西林/氟氯西林注射剂 又名:CO-FLUAMPICIL(MAGNAPEN INJ 250mg/250mg)

产地国家:英国 处 方 药:所属类别:(250mg/250mg)/10安醅/包 包装规格:(250mg/250mg)/10安醅/包 计价单位:生产厂家中文参考译名:wockhardt UK Ltd 生产厂家英文名:wockhardt UK Ltd 原产地英文商品名:MAGNAPEN INJ(Alternate Name:CO-FLUAMPICIL)(250mg/250mg)/10amps/pac 原产地英文药品名:Ampicillin/Flucloxacillin 中文参考商品译名:MAGNAPEN注射剂(又名:CO-FLUAMPICIL)(250mg/250mg)/10安醅/包 中文参考药品译名:氨苄西林/氟氯西林


部份中文氨苄青霉素/氟氯西林处方资料(仅供参考) Magnapen250毫克/250毫克散解决方案 注射或输液 (氨苄青霉素和氟氯西林) 适应症 共fluampicil的适应症为严重感染的治疗,其中所述致病微生物是未知的,并且对涉及β内酰胺酶产生的葡萄球菌混合感染。典型的适应症包括: 在一般的做法:胸部感染,耳鼻喉感染,皮肤及软组织感染,和感染的患者,其潜在的病理特殊危险放置它们。 在医院(之前的实验室结果是可用):严重的呼吸道感染,手术后的胸部和伤口感染,感染性流产,产褥热;败血病,预防重大手术,在接受免疫抑制治疗的病人感染。共fluampicil的活性谱也使得它适用于许多混合感染,尤其是那些其中β内酰胺酶产生的葡萄球菌被怀疑或确认的治疗。 肠胃外的使用被指示,其中的口服剂量是不合适的。 Magnapen小瓶注射液通用名:氨苄西林/氟氯西林 类型:POM


Magnapen(又名:CO-FLUAMPICIL) Magnapen may be available in the countries listed below. UK matches: •MAGNAPEN 125MG/125MG/5ML POWDER FOR ORAL SUSPENSION (Leaflet) •MAGNAPEN 250MG/250MG POWDER FOR SOLUTION FOR INJECTION OR INFUSION (Leaflet) •MAGNAPEN HARD CAPSULES (Leaflet) Ingredient matches for Magnapen Ampicillin Ampicillin is reported as an ingredient of Magnapen in the following countries: •Peru Ampicillin sodium (a derivative of Ampicillin) is reported as an ingredient of Magnapen in the following countries: •United Kingdom Ampicillin trihydrate (a derivative of Ampicillin) is reported as an ingredient of Magnapen in the following countries: •United Kingdom Flucloxacillin Flucloxacillin magnesium octahydrate (a derivative of Flucloxacillin) is reported as an ingredient of Magnapen in the following countries: •United Kingdom Flucloxacillin sodium monohydrate (a derivative of Flucloxacillin) is reported as an ingredient of Magnapen in the following countries: •United Kingdom      
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