盐酸纳呋拉啡软胶囊Remitch Capsules 2.5mcg(Nalfurafine)说明书

[caption id="attachment_28813" align="alignleft" width="300"] 盐酸纳呋拉啡软胶囊Remitch Capsules 2.5mcg(Nalfurafine)[/caption]   药店国别:   产地国家:日本   处 方 药:   所属类别:2.5微克 14胶丸/盒   包装规格:2.5微克 14胶丸/盒   计价单位:   生产厂家中文参考译名:鳥居薬品   生产厂家英文名:Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   原产地英文商品名:REMITCH(レミッチカプセル)2.5mcg/Capsules 14Capsules   原产地英文药品名:Nalfurafine hydrochloride   中文参考商品译名:REMITCH胶丸(レミッチカプセル)2.5微克 14胶丸/盒   中文参考药品译名:盐酸纳呋拉啡   曾用名:TRK-820   简介:   英文药名:REMITCH(Nalfurafine Hydrochloride CAPSULES)   中文药名:盐酸纳呋拉啡胶囊   生产厂家:鸟居药业   药品介绍:   REMITCH胶囊2.5μg(盐酸纳呋拉啡)。REMITCH是一种为进行血液透析的患者提供的口服抗搔痒症药物   药物分类名称:口服瘙痒改善剂   批准日期:2009年3月   商标名:   REMITCH CAPSULES 2.5μg   一般名:   ナルフラフィン塩酸塩 Nalfurafine Hydrochloride   化学名:   (2E)-N-[(5R,6R)-17-(Cyclopropylmethyl)-4,5-epoxy-3,14-dihydroxymorphinan-6-yl]-3-(furan-3-yl)-N-methylprop-2-enamide monohydrochloride   分子式:   C28H32N2O5・HCl   分子量:   513.03   性状:   是一个非常薄的白色至黄色的粉末。是高度吸湿的,它是稍微不稳定的要轻。它是易溶水,对甲醇,微溶于乙醇(95),溶解性,几乎在乙醚和乙酸乙酯不溶。   分配系数:   在0.95[1辛醇/pH6.8缓冲区分配系数(LogD)   药效药理:   1.对瘙痒症采取作用   抗组胺药,现有的止痒剂,抑制有效的组胺皮内给药诱导的小鼠搔抓行为和P物质皮内给药诱导的物质搔抓行为,其中抗组胺药效果较差。   抗组胺药还能抑制小鼠脑池内诱导的小鼠搔抓行为,这是一种无效的中枢瘙痒模型。   2. 作用机序   从体外受体结合试验和使用人类阿片受体表达细胞的受体激动试验的结果来看,已经显示它是一种选择性阿片样物质κ受体激动剂。   见表13“人类阿片受体结合试验和可操作性试验结果”。   此外,体外试验不结合除含有组胺受体的阿片受体以外的各种受体,转运蛋白和离子通道,也显示对来自肥大细胞的脱粒反应没有抑制作用。   另外,P物质皮内给药诱导的P物质抑制作用,通过侧脑室给药阿片κ受体拮抗剂norbinaltorphine(nor-BNI)完全拮抗。   3. 依存性   由于在大鼠戒断症状观察中在吗啡中观察到不存在戒断症状的情况下贝伐珠单抗的物理依赖性较弱,所以在猴自我接受测试中没有观察到强化作用,因此精神依赖性 它被认为不是。   结合试验:   Ki値(nmol/L) 0.244±0.0256 2.21±0.214 484±59.6 1:9:1980   作动性试验:   EC50(nmol/L) 0.00816±0.00138 1.66±0.09 21.3±1.0 1:203:2610   (平均值±标准误差)   适应症:   改善血液透析患者瘙痒   剂量与用法:   成人口服,每次2.5μg/丸,每日早晚各一次。请注意,它可以根据症状增加。   包装规格:   胶囊为2.5μg   14胶囊(14粒×1)PTP   140胶囊(14粒×10)PTP   REMITCH CAPSULES 2.5 μg   Brand name: REMITCH CAPSULES 2.5 μg   Active ingredient: Nalfurafine hydrochloride   Dosage form: slightly pale yellow to pale yellow capsule (major axis: 9.7 mm, minor axis: 6.6 mm)   Printings on wrapping: レミッチカプセル2.5μg, TR11, REMITCH   Effects of this medicine   This medicine is selective κ opioid receptor agonists to suppress itch. It controls itch when other existing antihistamine or antiallergic drugs are ineffectual.   It is usually used for improvement of itch in hemodialysis when other existing treatment is insufficient.   Before using this medicine, tell your doctor/pharmacist   If you ever experienced any allergic reaction (itch, rash etc.) to any medicine.   If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.   If you are using any other prescription or nonprescription (OTC) medicine. (It is important to reduce the risk of drug interactions.)   Dosage regimen (proper use of this medicine)   Your dosage regimen is:(order of your doctor)   General dosage regimen: For adults, take 1 capsule (2.5 μg of the active ingredient) at a time, once daily, after supper or before going to bed. The dosage may be increased according to the symptoms, however, the dosage is limited to 2 capsules (5 μg) once daily. Strictly follow the instructions of your doctor/pharmacist.   Missed dose: If you are instructed to take the medicine after supper and remember that you missed a dose before going to bed on the same day, take a dose as soon as possible. In other cases, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. DO NOT take double doses to make up for the missed dose.   Overdose: If you took too much of the medicine (more than ordered), check with your doctor/pharmacist.   Others: Do not stop taking the medicine without the instructions of your doctor.   Precautions while using this medicine   The medicine may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Avoid driving a car or operating dangerous machinery after taking the medicine.   Grapefruit juice may raise the plasma concentration and enhance the effect of the medicine. Never take the medicine with a glass of grapefruit juice.   Side effects of this medicine   Common side effects are reported as below. If any of them occurs, check with your doctor/pharmacist: sleeplessness, constipation, drowsiness, etc.In rare cases, symptoms described below may be the sign of side effects indicated in brackets [ ]. If they occur, stop taking your medicine and check with your doctor immediately.   generalized fatigability, loss of appetite, yellowness of the skin or conjunctiva[liver dysfunction, jaundice]   Other side effects not listed here may occur. Check with your doctor/pharmacist if you have any worrisome symptom.   Storage and other information   Keep the medicine out of the reach of children. Store it where the light is blocked, away from heat and moisture.   Do not store the remainder and ask your pharmacist how to discard it.   Manufacturer's name : Torii Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
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